Greetings! My name is Tracie Talerico, and I am currently in my 15th year as professional licensed English Language Arts teacher. My experience has been predominantly in high school, and I have taught 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade; and I have taught American litearture, British literature, World literature, Advanced Placement Literature and Composition, Theater, and Technology throughout my years as an educator. Currently, I am teaching in the state of Oregon at a comprehensive public school. Over the years, I have developed a great passion for integrating technology into the classroom in meaningful and productive ways, with a focus on culturally-responsive instructional practices, as well as a goal to (hopefully) begin closing the achievement gap.
Purpose of this Website
The purpose of this website is to provide multiple resources and best practices for High School English Language Arts teachers, specifically regarding integrating technology in meangingful and productive ways. As a high school English teacher myself, I know it can be a challenge to discover or invent interesting and purposeful ways to utilize technology in an English classroom, beyond writing and reasearching essays. My website will provide teachers with standards-based ideas and practices that teachers can use in the classroom right away.
Details of the Content Found on this Website:
- Why Use Technology? Page:
- This page is divided into two sections of content: videos of TED talks from educators and professionals weighing in on the state of education in this country and around the world, such as Donald Clark.
- The other section will include links to published research regarding the efficacy of technology in the classroom.
- Best Practices Page:
- This page has a list of instructional strategies and ideas for teachers to use in the classroom (not to be confused with actual lesson ideas and unit plans).
- This page will also focus on the SAMR and TPACK model.
- Resources Page:
- This page is also divided into two main areas of content: Reading and Writing.
- For both sections, there are links to videos, websites, PDF's, etc. to lesson plans, acitivities, and unit plans that all utilize technology in meaningful and productive ways.
- Challenge You and Your Students Page:
- This focus of this page is on challenging teachers to use technology in more creative ways.
- For example, this page describes technology initiatives considered a little "outside of the box", such as Google's 20% time.